Nick and I went snow tubing at Buck Hill with Pavel, Stabby, and a couple of their friends. It was so much goddamned fun! I wore my awesome monster hat (which I think of as a Stupid Rat Creature hat but was advertised as a Yeti hat) and it got a lot of attention, both positive and "oh my god, like what is she wearing that is so weird."
We drank Jameson with butterscotch schnapps and I ate some waffle fries. There was a campfire at which we could warm ourselves and a lift to go up the hill. I highly recommend it. We'll be back before the end of winter.
I have no tolerance for people who think an array of cloth is "so weird" and act freaked out about it. It's a cute hat! It's a smart hat. People who are so fragile they cannot accept an interesting hat must necessarily be eaten by wolves.